Friday, April 12, 2013

Facebook Fragments I

Aware of a hundred of your past fooleries,
I ask you, and myself,
A thousand queries
To clarify your position,
This does not mean
I will understand you.

I tell you one inconsistency
Plus a thousand you live with,
It does not mean
I subscribe to your position. 


The problem,
Nay, the damage,
Sir, is,
You muddle
In the dirt,
Nay, in the dunghill,
A hundred times,
Nay, nay, a thousand times,
To declare yourself
The diamond


Really hard they worked:
They removed boulders
And levelled the land.

They dug and ploughed and manured,
And the best of all fruits, vegetables and crops
They planted.

They bore holes in the dykes
And went to take rest.

Challenges ahead
Challenges that can't be met
By running away
And singing your own eulogy
And cursing others
In seclusion and safety!

That need bumping your head
Crushing your dreams
For the common good
Despite curses
Despite praises! 


Tension between an ember and a spark;
Mediation sought;
Finally water comes forth,
And asks:
"Any help needed?"
Straw did not intervene! 


Jivesh Jha said...

Really awesome poem. I think the poem on one way or the other focused to facebook statuses, fb frens, and their comments. Secondly, i liked the stanza: "Challenges
That need bumping your head
Crushing your dreams
For the common good
Despite curses
Despite praises! "

keshuvko said...

now, i remember that i read this one in malepu
good one, nay, better one. :)