Saturday, December 09, 2017

Facebook Fragments IX

You can unconditionally hate things
As an outsider;
But as an insider,
You can't even love unconditionally.


Sunk neck-deep
In the pool of pessimism,
With that odor of sickened zeal
Veiled by grins of sheer nonchalance,
How long can you sing the hymns of motivation?


Education teaches wisdom
Wisdom teaches patience
Patience leads to inaction
Educated people
(Mis)interpret wisdom as arrogance
Patience as senility
And inaction as cowardice.

Will you call this
the paradox of education?


If you've created a history
Own it
Name it
Write it
Embellish it ...
Or forget it !

For there's always someone
Willing to own it
Rename it
Rewrite it
And erase it.


कुकाठको खाँबो हो र बचन,
गाडे पनि मकाउने,
नगाडे पनि मकाउने?

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